I have been dedicated to education for over 28 years. I am impressed with the world’s ever-growing online education community. I have been an online instructor since 2010, and I enjoy setting up virtual classrooms.
I am called the “queen of tutorials” in the online instruction world.
I create easily navigated classrooms that include a video tutorial at the beginning of each section. My students comment that my virtual classroom is an exciting learning environment with active Discussion Boards, challenging rubrics, extensive essay comments and other streams of feedback.
One of my specialities as a distance learning instructor is working with students of all kinds: The growing population of non-traditional students:
• Students who did not immediately continue education after graduation from high school
• Attend college only part-time
• Work full time (35 hours or more per week)
• Are financially independent
• Have children or dependents other than a spouse
• Are a single parent
At the same time, I must also address the needs of our traditional students:
• Students who enroll in college immediately after graduation from high school,
• Pursue their studies on a full-time basis
• Complete their bachelor’s degrees in 4 or 5 years at a young age of 22-23
• Typically financially dependent on others,
• Do not have children,
• Consider their college career to be their primary responsibility
• Are employed only on a part-time basis if at all during the academic year.
I am also an active member of the National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS), which supports full access to education for post-secondary students and graduates with disabilities worldwide. Additionally, I support the Association on Higher Education and Disability. The AHEAD program is a professional membership organization for individuals involved in the development of policy and in the provision of quality services to meet the needs of persons with disabilities involved in all areas of higher education.
I teach primarily within the Blackboard network and use grading systems from Blackboard to Pearson. My skills include, but are not limited to:
• Blackboard Collaborate
• Blogs
• Cengage Learning MindLinks
• Faculty Collaboration
• Commercial Content Tools
• Course Calendar
• Date Management
• Discussion Board
• Journals
• Link Checker
• McGraw-Hill Higher Education
• Mediasite Options
• Mediasite Recording Options
• Mobile Compatible Test List
• Pearsons Lab
• Respondus LockDown Browser
• Customized Rubrics
• Net Tutor
• Self and Peer Assessment
• Send Email
• Set Grade Center Due Dates
• Grammerly
• Tests, Surveys, and Pools
• Turnitin Assignments
• Turnitin Assignments by Groups
• Wikis
• WileyPLUS
Over the years, I have created and inspired, global learning environment by remuneration system for advanced writing skill achievement: published students through association with various prestigious juried magazines and e-journals: The Hollywood Quarterly as well as earned membership in The Hollywood Literary Guild, a worldwide initiative to bring college students of all nationalities and cultures together in celebration of writing excellence. The outcome continues to be a growing, stimulated internet environment where students feel part of a global learning community.
My skills range throughout the online spectrum, and I look forward to joining your campus as a distance educator. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.